6 months ago
Ted Shepherd, a climatologist at the University of Reading in the UK, knows what it’s like to arrive at a ski resort and find that the snow is somewhere else. This Christmas he went to Switzerland with his wife and her family. “She always loves to ski, but we couldn’t, really,” he says, recalling one...
6 months ago
If you are browsing In our guide to the best sex toys, you’ll find a few products from Lelo, but let’s be honest, they can be quite pricey. That’s why the Lelo 20th Anniversary Sale caught my attention. Not ton Huge discounts, but there are some great items, including some of our favorites, and some...
6 months ago
The Amazon was smitten with extraordinarily strong safety link by federal investigators in the US today. The findings appear to confirm what some employees at the company have long argued: that the online retail giant’s warehouses and fulfillment centers are designed for speed to exceed safety, often leading to lower back injuries and other musculoskeletal...
6 months ago
Medieval monks were in many ways the original power users of LinkedIn. Earnest and capable of self-promotion, they loved to read and share inspiring stories of other early Christians who showed remarkable dedication to their work. There was Sarah, who lived near the river, never once looking in her direction, such was her devotion to...
6 months ago
Reid last week Vilen, an elite gamer using the descriptor”Chicago” in rocket league, the popular vehicular soccer game, is facing a strange and unsettling new adversary. At first, the player appeared to be a rookie, hesitantly and clumsily moving the rocket vehicle. They then caught and perfectly balanced the ball on the hood of their...
6 months ago
People are complex machines with moving parts that flex, squish, stretch, flow, shake, and thrash. Scientists are now tapping into these energy sources to solve the common problem of sensors, wearables, and implanted medical devices—the dreaded dead battery. Self-powered devices, by design, could be the solution, and researchers have found that the human body itself...
6 months ago
“It’s pretty ingenious, because the minute the ad disappears, your attack stops, which means you won’t be easy to find,” Habibie explains. The scale of this was colossal: in June 2022, at the peak of the group’s activity, it was making 12 billion ad requests per day. Human Security reports that the attack primarily affected...
6 months ago
In past I took the phone from my fiancée about four times a week. The first few were when we visited The Met Cloisters in New York. I love taking pictures, so I borrowed her Pixel phone to capture some beautiful scenes. Next time we decided to order delicious chicken wings in the middle of...
7 months ago
Earlier this week, China’s National Bureau of Statistics reported that China’s population has declined over for the first time in 60 years. The decline in population is not a complete surprise. Population containment was the primary goal of the One Child Policy in place from 1980 to 2015, and since the early 1990s, women in...
7 months ago
If you ever uploaded photos or illustrations, wrote a review, “liked” content, answered a question on Reddit, contributed to open source, or performed any number of other online activities, you did free work for tech companies because downloading all this content from the internet is how their AI systems learn about the world. Tech companies...