1 year ago
The changing nature of the virus also makes it difficult to conduct human clinical trials and get new antibodies for patients in a timely manner so they can work against existing variants. IN meeting in December, drug makers have asked regulators in the US and Europe to consider adopting new standards for approving new antibody-based...
1 year ago
When it comes to cutting-edge technology in manufacturing and fabrication industries, fiber laser cutting machines have emerged as a game-changer. Offering unparalleled precision and efficiency, these machines have become indispensable for businesses worldwide. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of fiber laser cutting machines, covering everything from their basic functionality to their wide-ranging...
1 year ago
If you run a business, you know how vital it is to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Keeping up with industry changes and adapting to new technology can help keep you one step ahead of the competition. Here are some key business trends to look out for in 2023. Changes in Customer Service Today, call...
1 year ago
New projects are being developed all the time as more volunteers join in with ideas and take on open challenges. But it is impossible to send every volunteer to the project. “Too many people asked for help right away, and we have different styles of work. Sometimes it was difficult to organize everyone with a...
1 year ago
Layoffs continue hit the tech industry, and this week they came up with one of the biggest winners of the pandemic: Zoom. Yesterday, the video conferencing platform cut 15 percent of its staff, or about 1,300 people. This comes after Zoom tripled its headcount in two years. “We haven’t spent as much time as we...
1 year ago
There is a credibility deficit on Capitol Hill when it comes to antitrust and technology, even as the pressure to act continues to mount. And Democrats in the Senate trust Speaker McCarthy for one thing: defend American-created monopolies. “I think the sentiment is there, but we’ve had a hard time getting Republicans to support legislation...
1 year ago
Thus, this year’s maintainability scores reflect some incremental improvements in the repair process itself, but some scores have been lowered due to aggressive politicking by companies behind the scenes. Apple’s iPhone jumped from last year’s “F” to “D” rating. The Google Pixel phones retained their “D” score but received a slight boost in the score....
1 year ago
We make our It’s best to brush aside the pesky swarm of requests that overshadow every restaurant meal, plumber visit, plane ride, begging for points, stars, likes, thumbs (or middle fingers), if only because they gnaw at our sanity. The true cost, however, is more than an annoyance. Misunderstanding measurement misunderstands understanding itself. The ubiquitous,...
1 year ago
Bone fractures. Eye injury. Brain injury. How America’s sketchy “less lethal” arms industry exports its insidious brand of violence around the world.
1 year ago
Twitter direct messages have always been a commitment to safety. The DMs you send to friends and strangers online are not end-to-end encrypted, making your conversations potentially accessible if data is leaked on Twitter, or to company employees with access rights to them. Both scenarios are perhaps more likely in Elon Musk’s version of Twitter,...