1 year ago
Living life with a fat body means you’re less likely to be hired and will be paid less than not fat people. The consequences of weight discrimination, which can include poor medical treatment, loneliness, psychological distress, and increased stress, can actually be interrupt fat people’s lives. The decision to take drugs becomes “the devil’s choice,”...
1 year ago
Trending in 2023 is one of the oldest games in the world and is played on the 17 year old website Chess.com. The site, which allows people to take lessons, solve puzzles and compete against computers or other players, broke its own record on Dec. 31 with 7 million active users in a single day....
1 year ago
But let’s be honest: most people, even in a moderately affected area, will not survive. It is unlikely that anyone lives or works in reinforced concrete buildings with almost no windows or in the vicinity of a concrete bunker. (Even the people at the bank would have to get into the vault to be in...
1 year ago
Flying premium from A trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles, a common commute for some Californians, could emit 101 kilograms of carbon, or maybe 142 or even 366 kilograms, depending on which source you search the Internet for. The wide range of estimates is due to what some climate experts see as a growing...
1 year ago
Video creation the game requires hard, repetitive work. How could it not be? Developers are in the business of creating the world, so it’s easy to see why the gaming industry is excited about generative AI. While the computers were doing boring things, a small team could create a map the size of San Andreas....
1 year ago
It is reported that Google in “code red”, deploying resources and calling them co-founders to eliminate perceived threats to their extremely dominant search engine. The daytime threat is ChatGPT, a large AI-powered language model that also helps us write term papers and poetry, develop rules, and make medical diagnoses. But there is another car coming...
1 year ago
In 2023, many people are seeking to escape the routine of a 9-5 office-based career. The idea of spending over forty years in a corporate environment answering an unending stream of emails and undertaking routine administrative and project-based tasks is simply not a fulfilling career path for all workers. In traditional office-based careers, it is...
1 year ago
Influence of TikTok goes far beyond the social sphere. The application is increasingly being used for the types of internet searches that a web search engine would normally be used for. A video-based social app might not seem like the best place to find answers to burning questions, but many users have chosen it to...
1 year ago
But some might argue that optimizing network connectivity is a more nebulous task than optimizing test scores. What exactly should be the objective functions? One framework to explore this could be to focus on how the networks in which children and families intertwine are formed and developed in the first place. In the context of...
1 year ago
Last few years have shed a brighter light on the experience of women at work: we exhaustedwe underpaidand we are constantly fighting for fundamental rights. In fact, we are in the depths of “she-cession” :Onot in three women want to change careers or leave their jobs entirely, joining the millions of women who have already...