1 year ago
Early Monday morning magnitude 7.8 earthquake broke through Turkey and Syria, and nine hours later followed 7.5 aftershock. The death toll is worth over 3800and rescuers had just begun combing the collapsed buildings. Aftershocks will continue to rock the area as local faults adjust to such a strong initial shock, and scientists say the process...
1 year ago
Do you cover desertugly parking lots, canals or even solar lakes with solar panels, clouds will sometimes get in the way and every day the sun has to set. No problem, says the European Space Agency: just put solar panels in space. The agency recently announced a new research program called Solaristhe purpose of which...
1 year ago
Ruud Schilders, Administrator mastodon.world, before the acquisition of Twitter in 2022, there were about 100 people on the server. The number of active users peaked at about 120,000 in November, Shielders said. But with all this new traffic, additional hate speech and obscene content has come along. “I learned something I didn’t want to know,”...
1 year ago
And finally, sophistication: AI-assisted hacks open the door to complex strategies beyond those that can be devised by the human mind unaided. Sophisticated statistical analysis of AI can reveal relationships between variables and thus possible exploits that the best strategists and experts would never recognize. This sophistication could allow the AI ​​to deploy strategies that...
1 year ago
Report released Today, the United Nations says we have neglected one of the main components of the superbug problem: the environment. It serves as a reservoir for bacterial genes that create antimicrobial resistance, and receives farm and pharmaceutical runoff that promotes new resistance. “The same factors that cause environmental degradation exacerbate the problem of antimicrobial...
1 year ago
If your TikTok FYP is somewhat similar to mine, you’ve seen a bunch of fit girls walking on mini treadmills at their desk. I’m here to tell you that they did everything right. Egofit Walker Pro my savior for working from home. With it, I went from a few, um, hundreds of steps on a...
1 year ago
If you want know what it’s like to dig into someone’s chest cavity without a bloody mess, grapefruit will do. Tear, squeeze and crush it in your hands. With a little audio tweaking, sour fruit is now a joke-worthy imitation of gurgling death. Video game sound engineers have mastered the art of turning mundane noises...
1 year ago
Samsung and Apple you have flagship smartphones that start at $800 but pay a little more and you can even get more flagship phone (flagship?) with the words “Ultra” or “Pro” at the end. OnePlus used to follow the same strategy, but this year it’s changing things up with a new OnePlus 11 5G. Instead...
1 year ago
Google is expected announce the integration of artificial intelligence for the company’s search engine on February 8 at 8:30 am ET. it’s free to watch live on youtube. “We’re starting with AI-powered search features that transform complex information into human-readable formats so you can see the big picture and then explore more,” Google CEO Sundar...
1 year ago
Bing’s new chat-style interface is a bigger departure from the traditional search box. During the demo, Microsoft VP of Search and Devices, Yousef Mehdi, asked the chatbot to create a five-day itinerary for a trip to Mexico City and then turn what he came up with into an email he could send to his family....