10 major web design mistakes you must avoid which affects SEO

4 years ago

The website acts as a door for your business. Through the website; you are able to spread awareness about your product, services, or business online to your customers. So, if you make this door unreachable, there would be no one who would be familiar with your business. For that reason, in today’s era setting up a creative website is not that the only thing your business requires. In fact, you must ensure that your website is easily accessible by your customers and helps your business to generate great revenues.

Whether you are building up a new website or redesigning one, you should always avoid compromising attractiveness over its function and vice versa. As a business owner, you must ensure that your website design is not damaging your search engines. Here we have mentioned the major mistakes that you can avoid while designing your website which can hurt your SEO.

Let’s have a quick look at these major mistakes:

Mistake 1: Missing H1 Tags

This is the most crucial mistake that web designers make. They often do not bother to put up the header tags which can lead the website to lose the ranking. Well, creating a colorful and attractive website might increase the visitor on your website, but without the placements of H1 tags, it is useless as it won’t be visible to the search engines.

H1 tags are the important heading tag that tells the search engine what the web page is all about. These tags include keywords and phrases which drive the traffic to your website.

Mistake 2: Poor Navigation

There is no use of setting up a website which is attractive unless and until it is easily navigable by the search engines. It is not only difficult for the users to navigate through your website, but it is also very difficult for the search engines to index the pages of your website. As a designer, you must know that today, user experience is one of the key elements that help in ranking your website. Therefore, a good navigation design can make your website user-friendly and hence can help in the betterment of your website rankings.

Mistake 3: Not mobile-friendly

In today’s era, the number of mobile users has increased than before. More than half of the customers are buying through their cell phones. Thus, not designing a website that is mobile-friendly can lead cause you a huge loss. It is always a great move to seek guidance from professional website design in Mississauga who builds an effective mobile-friendly website for your business. A responsive mobile-friendly website not only attracts traffic but also increases the conversion rate and rankings than that of the non-responsive website.

Mistake 4: Adding large images & files

We all know that colorful images and files attract people’s attention more. High-resolution images do add an artistic look on your website, but at the same time, it creates major issues on your website. These big files need huge spaces and take a longer duration to fully load on the browsers especially if it is running on the mobile devices. This further result in losing the interest of the user and the user very easily leaves your website and bounce to other sites. In order to add high-quality images or files on the website, we must first optimize the file sizes for SEO for a better user experience.

Mistake 5: Duplicate &Thin Content

In this highly competitive web world, content is the only weapon that can win any battle. However, many web designers are adding thin or duplicate content on their websites which have already been published on the internet. This is adversely affecting the websites in terms of their ranking and credibility. It is always important to finalize a list of relevant keywords before planning the website content. The content should also be easily understandable as well as readable for the users of the website.

Mistake 6: Infinite Scrolling

One of the biggest mistakes web designers do is adding infinite scrolling on the websites. It is a page that consists of wide information that is not divided into separate pages and users keep scrolling down to get the required information. This causes the web pages to load slowly and also the content is usually hidden while scrolling. There is no denial in the fact that infinite scrolling provides users an enormous experience, but it reduces to focus on the individual items as it is likely to shift.

Mistake 7: Excessive Popup

Imagine you have visited a website and after every 2 minutes, you are getting a popup. You will definitely get frustrated right? Similarly, adding too many popups on your website can irritate the user and he/she might leave the site. This can cause you a lot of trouble as your site’s traffic can significantly decrease affecting your ranking. You can always check and re-examine your website’s popup strategy if there are high bounce rates or a dig in your organic traffic.

Mistake 8: Slow website speed

Websites that consist of too heavy graphics take a longer time to load thus the website speed automatically slows down. The slow website speed thus is not good for your website’s SEO as the bounce rate of your visitor’s increases. You can compress the size of the files prior to adding them to the website. You can also limit the plugins in case you have a WordPress website as plugins can slow down the site if there is excessive use of plugins.

Mistake 9: Not using user-friendly URLs

While creating the website from the beginning you must take care of its URLs which have a great impact on its organic ranking. Not optimizing your URL can cost you a lot. You must use an optimized URL for your website which should describe the topic of the page. The URL you use must include relevant keywords and must keep words in small letters.

Mistake 10: Lack of clear CTA (Call-to-Action)

For every web designer, setting up a clear and optimized CTA is very important for their websites. It is the most important element of the product page and placing a well-designed CTA increases the conversion rate to the website. If there is a lack of clear CTA on your website, then it won’t be profitable for your business. Keep in mind to select a color contrast for your CTA; it should be bright and visible. The phrases used for CTA should be impactful and strong.


The above-mentioned web design mistakes can highly affect the websites. These must be avoided as much as possible in order to generate a higher ranking. In case you are planning to redesign your website to make it more engaging and profitable then; make sure that you keep all these mistakes in your mind. This will help you in creating better SEO for your business and will also rank your website up. You can always rely on website design Mississauga, to revamp your web space with their effective and creative website designs.

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